I know you love pixel work

wow, the first is incredible. the rest didnt work for me.

*Originally posted by Aislin *
**Awesome work, but I hate pixel art. It’s hardly attractive, and to me it seems like novelty stuff rather than… well, anything.

A useless talent that this person spends WAY too much time on. WAY.

A plane and a lego man are gonna look nice in your portfolio. Yeah. Wierdo.

I’m not saying you people shouldn’t have fun, I mean, I’m all for having fun, and your pixel art is cute, but jesus christ, this is like an Obsessive Compulsive. **

I agree. But I think that most of the people that do that sort of thing are young and have nothing more to do. It’s a hobby of sorts. I guess. That was a pretty harsh comment to whoever made that though…it’s just a hobby i’m sure.

True… The kid may not have a life but he’s doing somehting he obviously wants to do… Which means he’s doing something that 60% + people in the entire world can not do…

DO what they want to do…

So… As much as I can sit here and say he doesn’t have a life… he indeed has a life that fills more meaning to him than mine does to me… So therefore my life would be less meaningful than his…

Still awake?

playamarz :player:

whoa dude, that is like, totaly deep… and stuff.


he needs a girl (besides his comp)

GARRETT…your smiley…flashbacks…very creative. Wonder what the biggest pixel art he’s ever done is…

Lovepixel is a ****ed good pixel site… a few others to check out would be Mr Wong (the pixel grower) - www.mrwong.de or .dk, i dont remember :slight_smile:

www.ourcall.org is a pretty cool site too. mediamonks.com is also quite cool… there are lots out there :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by Guig0 *
**That site is awesome! the pixel art is incredible :!:

:frowning: too bad is in…


…What language is that :q: **

I believe Mandrin Chinese

thanks mike =)