I know you love pixel work

I know alot of you guys like pixel work here. Check this splash. It’s huge…but its awesome. Some of the best I’ve seen.



Man… Talk about someone not having a life…

E-gads… That was cool though… :slight_smile:

playamarz :sigh:

that is the coolest pixel thing I have ever seen in my life.

That must have taken like 3 years to do!!! I mean, he could copy the planes over and over but there is just so much detail on everything… wow.

WHAT!? thats aweome…

*Originally posted by playamarz *
**Man… Talk about someone not having a life…

E-gads… That was cool though… :slight_smile:

playamarz :sigh: **

lmao! that’s exactly what I thought. But amazing non the less.

That site is awesome! the pixel art is incredible :!:

:frowning: too bad is in…


…What language is that :q:

Here are a couple more that are quite amazing. Though not AS amazing as that first one (to me at least)


the shadows and detail are just crazy

enjoy:beam: :love:

man… he reeeeally loves his battleships huh? :stuck_out_tongue:

OMFG! That’s the awesomest thing I’ve ever seen in my lifffee!
Betcha the guy’s middle name is Pixelart!
:crazy: :stunned:

holy crap - he is amazing, that little city in the second set of links is great.

I wonder what he does for a living…!

when you look at it, most of it is just copied and pasted… most likely…

and some objects looks incomplete…

not that much glory… but still nice…

not that much glory… but still nice…

come ON ! This is just amazing. Did you see how detailed the things are !

Hmm… This spells out loser to me…

At first I thoguht he might have some spare time… With the first one… Then seeing the second set of links… THis guy sure doesn’t have a life outside of his house…

Amazing work none-the-less… But ****… get outta the house man! :slight_smile:


“not the much glory”

what!!!..This is by far the best pixel work I have ever seen.

I have my oppinions, you have yours.

I didn’t say it stunk, did I?

its good, and nicely put together. Far better than I could do. :slight_smile:

that’s the best smiley.

that’s a TERRIBLE smiley!


Awesome work, but I hate pixel art. It’s hardly attractive, and to me it seems like novelty stuff rather than… well, anything.

A useless talent that this person spends WAY too much time on. WAY.

A plane and a lego man are gonna look nice in your portfolio. Yeah. Wierdo.

I’m not saying you people shouldn’t have fun, I mean, I’m all for having fun, and your pixel art is cute, but jesus christ, this is like an Obsessive Compulsive.

wow :!: