:love: Yes I know it sounds a bit strong but if it wasent for him my computer would suck so bad.
Anyways Here is the story my computer would not allow me to go on Hotmail.com or MSN messenger at all.
So I started researching on the net see who else had the problem abnd lots of people had it but never fixed it they just Formatted the drive and put Windows back on.
I dont give up that easily so I started posting on Computer And Games Fourms and yet I still dident get too far I mean helped ma but more made my computer alot more faster than usual.
Anyways I heard of this SP2 so I had to check it out but the link wouldent let me download because of my Norton Internet Security It messed up on me and blocked lots of sites and ports anyways I went to microsoft.com and found the link to SP2 and downloaded it I rebooted computer went through setup got a great new Firewall and Antivirus all free too.
So I checked Hotmail.com for the last time about 2 minutes after SP2 got installed and it worked I screamed and Screamed then did a little dance.
Anyways Thats the story my computer is now Clean And Clear And Under Control.
Yeah So I recommend everyone download SP2
CHeck the coomputer and games fourm for the link if not Search at www.microsoft.com