what is a request code ?!?!?!? cause i dled 3d max and it doesnt come with a serial number or cd key please help
I think it’s against forum rules to be asking stuff like that. If you downloaded it off the net then of course it didn’t come with the cd key.
This isn’t a warez forum.
If you are looking for warez, go elsewhere.
We here at kirupaforum do not support or condone the use of warez and illegal software.
hey! When’s this gonna be deleted? When I saw it first I thought… hmh about 5 minutes then someone has already deleted this thread! And now I come back after a good night-sleep and it’s still not deleted!
you’re not gonna leave it here aren’t ya?
Syko: naaa I dont think it should be deleated - he didnt say anything offending, and it acts like a message as to how this board feels about this issue - kinda like a huge sign that says: we dont like/support pirating software!!
hm… well if you put it this way…
ok! =)
*Originally posted by Ryall *
**Syko: naaa I dont think it should be deleated - he didnt say anything offending, and it acts like a message as to how this board feels about this issue - kinda like a huge sign that says: we dont like/support pirating software!!
Peace **
That is why I decided not to delete it.
in other forums when the rules are broken, the mods leave the thread( which you did congrats!!! ) then they LOCK it so no cluttering is added…maybe you should do the same? :q:
Good idea Mack… the thought didn’t even cross my mind.
Thanks. This thread is now locked!