I need help getting an effect

Hey guys, I need to be able to make a starbust sorta shape…I would draw it with the line tool, but it’d be uneven and it needs to be perfectly even…

Here’s an example from phong which shows you how to do it with photoshop…all I need is the shape, not the effect:

Anybody know how to do it?

You could go old school and trace that image by hand?

If you do, remember to delete all the lines after so that you are left with just solid objects.

awww that’s too old school for me :wink: I’m basically creating the effect they have at www.channel4.com/bigbrother/ and the image i posted wasn’t perfect like I need.

n = 72;
d = 2 * Math.PI / n;
a = -Math.PI / 2;
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("c", 0xFF);
c._x = 200;
c._y = 200;
ry = 1024;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    _root.c.createEmptyMovieClip("p" + i, i);
    with (_root.c["p" + i]) {
        beginFill(0, 100);
        MoveTo(0, 0);
        lineTo(Math.cos(a) * ry, Math.sin(a) * ry);
        lineTo(Math.cos(a + d) * ry, Math.sin(a + d) * ry);
        lineTo(0, 0);
    a += d;

No color…

n = 50;
d = 2 * Math.PI / n;
a = -Math.PI / 2;
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("c", 0xFF);
c._x = 200;
c._y = 200;
ry = 1024;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
	var mc = c.createEmptyMovieClip("p" + i, i);
	with (mc) {
		if(i%2) var col = 0;
		else col = 0xabcdef;
		beginFill(col, 100);
		MoveTo(0, 0);
		lineTo(Math.cos(a) * ry, Math.sin(a) * ry);
		lineTo(Math.cos(a + d) * ry, Math.sin(a + d) * ry);
		lineTo(0, 0);
	a += d;

with color :slight_smile:

ilyaslamasse, that looks cool!!
You da MAN!!

wow that’s really helpful! but one problem :stuck_out_tongue: I need it in the workspace so i can for example move lines or color in the lines etc…anyway of doing that? I spose i could export as a swf then import the swf and break it apart?

OK that didn’t work, so heeeeelp :crazy:

ilyaslamasse, so ummmmmmm wheres your site???