can anyone tell me why this isn’t working. i’m trying to _root a movie but it doesn’t work. can any one look at it and tell me what’s wrong.
can anyone tell me why this isn’t working. i’m trying to _root a movie but it doesn’t work. can any one look at it and tell me what’s wrong.
there is no blank movie clip with the instance name of contents on your main page.
there is problem though even if there was anything on the blanck page it doesn’t work, can you check if the code is correct,
loadMovie("home2.swf",1);// loads movie to level 1
to unload
Thanks GUYS:)
When i typed
the debuger gave me this:
Scene=Scene 1, Layer=Layer 1, Frame=1: Line 1: Statement must appear within on handler
what’s wrong it just dosn’t work for some reason i can load an swf. on my movie please help
is that on a movieClip - that action? I don’t have flash at work. I think you need an event handler like:
i tried that as well but this what the debugger gave back:
Scene=Scene 1, Layer=Layer 1, Frame=1: Line 1: Clip events are permitted only for movie clip instances
Scene=Scene 1, Layer=Layer 1, Frame=1: Line 2: Wrong number of parameters; loadMovie requires between 2 and 3.
Scene=Scene 1, Layer=Layer 1, Frame=1: Line 1: Statement must appear within on handler
here is how the movie looks like:
can someone please help me
Here you go It wasn’t working because you didn’t specify in which movieclip to load the SWF (so I created one in the layer “loader”) and because you used onClipEvent on a button. onClipEvent is only for movie clips (hence onClipEvent :))
I don’t know how to thank you Voetsjoeba, it works purfectly
thanks man :thumb:
You’re welcome
hey I have one more question:
the script that you put in, dose that stop at the first fram and not continue, cuase it doesn’t in this one.
can someone plz help
**the script that you put in, dose that stop at the first fram and not continue, cuase it doesn’t in this one. **
I’m confused … isn’t that what you wanted ? You want home.swf to stop at the first frame when you click the Home button ?
yes that’s my bad there was a little action script error on my side
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