I need navigation help

[color=black][font=Arial]Hi people. I am not much of an advanced action script developer so I am in need of some help. My client is insisting on a very specific navigation that I can not for the life of my figure out. It works EXACTLY like this - [color=#800080]http://www.danecook.com/[/color][/font][/color]

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[color=black][font=Arial]Anyone with a link to a tutorial or an explanation on how to make this navigation work will be considered a HERO for the rest of my life. Thanks so much.[/font][/color]

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i suggest you do a search for moviclips as buttons because thats what those are or check out the tutorials section in kirupa :wink:

it’s rather simple if you know how to control mc’s _x axis.

like grim said run a search, i know this question has been asked and answered b4

i ran searched, thats a pretty advanced menu that has to be accomplished with some pretty advanced AS or the slider component (i think thats what its called). Using movieclips as buttons couldn’t just do it.

It’s not that hard I think. You should be able to find lots of free example FLA’s out there that show how this menu was created.