i need some help finding views of cars. i need the top, side, and front of newer cars, concept, just some really nice cars. no perspective, has to be exactly the views top, side, and front. if anyone could help me find a few sets of these i’d be most greatful. trying to model them in 3d but i cant do it without those 3 views.
try google. they might have just what your looking for.
i looked on google for a little under an hour but couldnt’ find any specific shots of the top, side, or front, only perspectives.
Search for architectual drawings or w/e they are called for cars… there is this one guy that does 3d models of vehicles but i forgot his site, so that doesnt help, but yeah, change your search methods a little
didnt even think to look for architectural or schematics at all…thanks
this is a 1/10 scale template of a 2000 Volks Beetle.
just let me know if it works…
perfect! know of a place i can get a bunch of them? i wanted to do a couple
thank you very much by the way
what do you want?
I have a p/u, a suv, a sedan, delivery van, box van…
pretty boring stuff…
Hey Rev, do you mind sending me those? I would like to model some cars as weel, but haven’t had any luck finding decent shots of them to work with.
for you EG? my favorite suck-up in training…
which do you want?
The sedan would be a nice start. =)
how about an Audi A4?
you guys let me know when you need another …
Thanks Rev, I think these 2 will keep me busy for awhile. =)
the 2003 A4 - that’s my favorite car right now. Thx for the
[that is, if I’m allowed to have them]
yup, that is why I attached them…
be kind with them, I don’t want to see these on bathroom walls…
i’ll take the delivery van please
would you like materials with that? lol sounds like a resturant
how about a man and a pizza inside it too? im kinda hungry