Need Help Finding Picture!

Does anyone have an over head picture of a cartoonish looking car. You know like a pixel car being looked at from a higher angle, I don’t want the car to be looking directly at the side of it. Like a helicopter view!

I need help soon before I leave work and I forgot about the idea. :beam:

[size=1]bump, bump, bump[/size]

By the way, the car doesn’t have to be a cartoon car, any vehicle will do!

I have 7 actual templates in .ai…

what do you want?


What are the 7 templates you have, preferably an off-road type vehicle (truck, suv, jeep). What angles are they at?

Thanks again rev, you hookin up ya brutha from anotha mutha! :stuck_out_tongue:

heres three angles on my supra
i just went out and got those
dont know if thats at all what ya need

edit–>oops acidentally put in that pos datsun thats sititn in the yard

Whoa, you have palm trees in your yard and not houses crouding making you clostraphobic. You are obviously not in Arizona, real grass, that’s crazy, any grass we have is usually artificial!

i used to live in arizona now i live in florida
wish i was still in good ol mesa though

ddi those help at all?

I really need something at a higher angle, my road is like this view:


[color=dark yellow]-------------------[/color]

Rev, where you go mang!

ok im looking through my archives, as well as googles :beam:


will add more as i find them

Dan, click here

sorry for the delay…

these are the only 2 I have with overhead views…

I have a 2 door, and 4 door, short and long bed P/u, but no overheads on each…

same with Explorer SUV…

sorry 'bout that…


Thanks rev! :wink:


that is a zip file with a p/u, and audi… The audi has an overhead view…

I also have a new beetle with an overhead view… if you want…

just no suv type…



Sure, any vehicle would be good, I was being too picky in my first post lol :cowboy:

click here

this is the beetle…


do these have to be our own pics? i found this on the net