I Need some help, water?

I am trying to create a water effect in flash ans i cat make it look real. The water is spraying out of a pipe, like becasue it broke.
I really need some help from the more experienced people that have been really cool to me. Thanks guys


hi! i think you can start by giving your layout so everybody may better grasp of what you wanna do… perspective matters… :wink:

That is the layout of the flash intro i am workin on. The teo pipes are on the top and the bottom and will kind of start to spray water and will then get the logo for PHD all wet. Then the screen will say Do yourself a favor, hire a licenced plumber with experience. or something like that. I hope this helps.


Please help me I am soo desperate. I have to get this done and i kinda procrastinated on it. PLEASE

I’m probably not the best one to answer, because my stuff usually comes out either cartoonish or sci-fi, but I had a different idea for you to try. The spraying water thing would be difficult and time consuming if you want a real-realistic effect (to my knowledge), so how about this?

Have a pipe somewhere on the stage burst, then the screen/stage fills with water from the bottom like the room is flooding and submerge the logo?

What do ya think?

Good luck!!

soc! sorry i really can find enough time to do this… anyhu, i have made a beta version… hope this helps…

just make your “whatever” text… and i suggest its kinda floating. :slight_smile: :thumb:

here’s a quick view:
<a href=“http://www30.brinkster.com/bonsai17i/soccerstar.html”> <b>soccerstars water ü</b></a>

lol! for someone that doesnt have time, that’s really really good nox! n1 ;]

Wow NOx that is soo good, thanks a lot i really like it. Umm and u are my hero. Also, may i ask how tou made your pipe? I really like that 1 too, especially the fittings (segment). Thanks man


Does anyone knw how he did the pipe??? i need to know
that is really cool

NOx -
That’s what you do when you don’t have time??!!


You can find the tween on the pipe, double click it.


hey guys! im back! …what are you talking about!? lol =)

[comment]That’s what you do when you don’t have time??!![/comment]
-yes that’s what is called “stealing company’s time” ! :wink:
well i think 20 min is considered a “break” …what do ya think?

anyhu, if ever im fired out, i know soccerstar will give me a job! eheee hee :rambo:

btw soc, pipe is done by making a rectangle and go to your “color mixer pallete” and choose linear… from there experiment with the shades of black and white…

and the segments done by… copying a portion of the pipe, for lighting fx, add some outline (done by using Ink bottle tool or just press “s”), give the left and upper of the outline a white color, alpha=50, weight=1… same on the other side but use black color. finally, make some copies of the segments… just vary the sizes… (i guess i remembered it right :stuck_out_tongue: lol)

hope that helps…
cheers! :thumb:

soc! …try adding this one at the end of your animation…
i just happen so browse on my PC and emmm find my old file… =)

just copy the the movieclip and change the text…

cheers! :thumb: