I Need Some Help With......?

I know this seems stupid but I’ve been trying to add a flash file to Frontpage 2002 but when I try the it only inserts it as a link not the actual file that moves and so on.

What do I need to do?

Thanks If you can help!

Erotic Massage

did you try putting the html of
the flash site into frontpage or
did you try to import it as the swf???

aim: thestcleve

when you are in flash…
you can preview your site as a HTML document or a website…
right click and view source…copy the <obect> part and put that into the source of your fronpage site…
make sure you have the swf of your flash movie accesibe from the html source

<embed src="yourmovie.swf" height="x" width="x">

Where do I have to put my flash file in my files for my website thats in frontpage??

Lovely Wendie

well if you used the above code, upload the .swf to the same folder as your Frontpage page

Where do I paste the code in the html section in Frontpage?


its ok i have done it now, by the way when I preview the news flasher in frontpage i dont see the text that is supposed to fly across, what about that?
