I’ll help you out.
I am going to assume that you already know a fair bit about HTML, so if you get stuck, post a reply and I’ll sort things out.
** Part 1**
To create a table in an html document, you obviously have to start off with the <table> tag.
** * Attributes that you can assign to a <table> tag:***
** border="#"**
Here you assign the pt weight of the border. “0” will have no border. “1” and up will have a border, the higher the number, the bigger the border. Kirupa uses 1pt for his tables, I believe.
** cellpadding="#"**
The number you assign to cellpadding determines the amount of space between the contents of the table cell and the border. “0” assigns no space. “1” and higher will give more space.
** cellspacing="#"**
This attribute determines the amount of space between each cell of the table. “0” will make the table have no space between cells, and “1” and higher will have more space.
** width="#" or width="#%"**
Here, we can either assign ** width="#", which sets the width of the table in pixels, or ** width="#%", which sets the percent of the html page that the table will take up. (100% would be the full width of the html page.)
That pretty much sums up the <table> tag.
** Part 2:**
The next tag you will use for a table is the <tr> tag. This starts a new row in the table.
** * Attributes that you can assign to the <tr> tag:***
** align = " "**
This sets the horizontal alignment. Options are: left, right or center.
** valign = " "**
This sets the vertical alignment. Options are: top, bottom and middle.
That covers the <tr> tag.
** Part 3:**
The third part of the table is the <td> tag. This starts a new cell in the table.
** * Attributes that can be assigned to the <td> tag:***
** align = " " **
This sets the horizontal alignment. Options are: left, right or center
** valign = " " **
This sets the vertical alignment. Options are: top, bottom and middle.
** width= " " **
This will assign a width for each cell in pixels or percentage.
I am probably forgetting one or two attributes, but I’ve given you the important ones.
There is no limit to the number of cells, columns or rows, but keep in mind that unusually large tables with lots of information do take more time to be interpreted by a web browser and results in slower download time. Nobody likes slow download times.
Anyway, here’s what a basic table will look like in HTML code:
<table border=“2” cellpadding=“1” cellspacing=“1” width=“300”>
<font size=“2”>[c]G’day, my name is Alex[/c]</font>
I hope that helps you out some. If you get stuck, post a reply, or email me at [email]alex@boomkaha.com[/email].
See you around.