I am not sure if this is the right place to post this thread or not.
I know how to make a basic web site and html and all of that. I host my site with godaddy and have my domain name with them as well. But when it comes to other things i am a bit confused. I want to be able to have my clients/customers login to their account and view things. I want them to be able to set up a user id and password for their account(register with site). I want them to be able to log out their account. I want them to be able to put things on their shopping cart. I want to be able to have things that they can view on their account and I want to be able to fill out various submission forms that would be e-mailed to me. I want to be able to send updates to everyone that is registered without having to do it one by one. Could someone please explain to me what i need to learn to do this and what are some good sites/books to teach me what i need to learn. I at first thought that it was php but i think it may be more to it then that( i beleive i can use php for the submissions, i am not sure. I am not sure what mysql are oracle are and what i would need them for.
I know there has to be a place where each registered client would have their info stored, would this be ms access? If so i didn’t know how it would link to an online websitel Please just tell me the basics of what i need to know thanks a lot, this would get me in the right direction.