I need YOU to time this web

Hi all.

I am working on this web and would like to know how much it takes to load it up on diferent coneccions. It takes me about 30sec. I´m in spain, we have poor coneccion here.

Also I noticed that the animations play kind of sluggish the first time I see them on a g4 mac. If anyone out there is still using a computer thats a couple of years old I´d appreciate if you could comment on the smoothness (or sluginess) of this thing.

here´s the url:



Well it took 6 seconds - high speed cable

Is this site complete? I mean I waited about 30 seconds to click on the buttons and still nothing happened. No audio no nothing.

Its not complete. Im still working on it. I dont know if i will have audio. Here in spiain most people have 256k ADSL and im braking my head tryin to figure out how to squeeze that movie all i can.

There is a way through “Test Movie” to check load times eg. You can test the movie in a 56K enviroment or ADSL.

I have not used it for a while & so can not remeber all the details, but have a look in the help files for Flash. If you cannot find anything let me know & I will see what I can dig up in the reference book I first saw it in.

Buena suerte!

Thats right pup. I forgot about that. El depurador. Right. It donsn´t take into account the problems we web crawlers have (at least here in Spain). The interference, the times when traffic just stops for no reason (i think its the big brother snooping the communications.)

Still it gives an idea. Thanks Pup.