Test me!

hi everyone,

could you all do me a favour and just check how long it takes you to load my site and could you also tell me what modem u are using


its kinda difficult to test the loading time when I’ve only got one p.c!!!

cheers peeps,

5 seconds, broadband cable

gud gud


ne more???:toad:

It took me over 1 min on 56 k

hummm could this be some kinda promotional move ???

I think this should be moved to site check

whistles for mods

wouldnt load for me btw.

1 second, broadband, cable.

about 10 secs broadband cable (UK)

5 seconds DSL canada

10 seconds DSL

didn’t even see the loading bar. of some soort of a prelaoder.

Me neither.
A loadbar or loading message would be nice :slight_smile:

somewhere around 3-5 seconds, broadband cable.

hi everyone,

this is definatley not promotion as you can see the site takes ages to load and I just wanted people to help me try and get the loading time down!!

any suggestions? other than compressing the files?
I’ve tried to load each page separatley…how would I do it so that only the first scene loads? then when people click on the links the requested pages load?

I has got a preloader but I dont know why it doesnt wrk
does anyone want to help me with this also?

cheers everybody!
:slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Im sure if you’ll get help if you post your questions on the help section.