I see the rest of you found out about the html capability for titles

Don’t give anyone any ideas now Sen :bad:

*Originally posted by senocular *
**… you know, in combination with the [k] icon … **

hehe…lemme see how that works…

LOL, come on thor… we are supposed to set examples!!!

::laughs uncontrollably::

lol, i know, i know i changed it back :evil: it was good whilest it lasted.

jeez, tonight must be spam night or something, i’ve never posted this much nonsense in one sitting.

It still comes up in my userCP as fuc when you replied under that name…

06-06-2003 12:38 AM
by fuc

*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**Question: When you change your user name, I suppose that would effect your login too? Or does it still remember? **

Anywho… ^^^^^ lol :beam:

yeah, you have to use that name you changed it to, which is a disadvantage for me since i change mine so often.

lol yeah the first time I saw it was in whos online… wtfuc? :wink:

Yeah, I am glad that k is there otherwise I would never know it was you Thor…lol.

Ok, I think I will keep mine as is now, I am used to it like this.

Thor keeps confusing me with how often he changes his name. :sigh:

It’s a cool little HTML thing though. :slight_smile:

Does anyone have a clue how to edit the profile to target a SWF file for the avatar?

Tried, didn’t work, searched couldn’t find anything other than the initial mention of the idea in this thread.

anyone have a clue

use the embed tags.

go ahead and view my footer (administrative options…) if you need to know how.

edit: ack nevermind, why make you go through the trouble, here:

<embed src=http://www.dlfkj.com/whatever.swf width=300 height=60 quality=best menu=false>

those are the basic tags for embed. you can also do what dan does with his title and stick in an iFrame, which basically loads an html in a small space.

You need to do it in your “custom title” field, and then set your avatar to be none.

ah… I was about to say… I know what the embed tag is. :)… where to use it was the important part.

:thumb: Dan told me, so thank him :slight_smile:

ok… I will. :slight_smile: Thanks for passing it along. I’m not sure what avatar I want to make yet, but I definitely want to go swf with it.

David: I know know what is up, but everytime I visit a thread you post in I get a browser lock up. It started off as like 15-20 seconds but with each post it locks up longer before taking me to the thread.

Dan uses Flash avatars and I haven’t experienced this problem, so I don’t think it is that, but maybe it is something in your flash avatar or footer?

I’m unsure. I was just experiencing the same thing, but assumed it was this slow *** system here at work. Perhaps I’m wrong.

The strange thing is, it’s just a dozen 6 frame movie clips in the sig, and only half that in the avatar.

I’ll try switching the avatar back and see if it helps.

Could also be my server.

Yeah I really have no clue whats up. Thoriphes is experiencing it too, it only happens in threads you post in.

It is still happening, but not for as long, and you have your .swf avatar still. My guess is it was the combination of both. I really don’t get it.

[edit]you removed the avatar, and now no lag[/edit]

It is still happening.

hmm… Let us continue this conversation in a new thread. I want to see what happens when it’s just you and I posting.