Hi, everybody!
One of the things I’ve been doing is working with an awesome designer to help refresh the site’s appearance. One feedback he has provided (and one others have echo’ed) over the years is to not have the “.com” in the name. That might have been cool and trendy in the 90’s when this site started, but it isn’t so anymore. Even Expedia doesn’t advertise the .com in their name anymore.
So, I was wondering - what about just going with KIRUPA in all caps? What do you all think?
I don’t think it is too far fetched. That already matches the all caps logo this site has had for a billion years: https://www.kirupa.com/ssi/newDesign/kcom_logo_white.svg Plus, absolutely nothing would change in terms of the URL or anything else. My AOL IM screen name is kirupacom, but I haven’t logged into it in a really long time!
Kirupa (sentence cased!)