I used framesets and java to "simulate" the back button in flash, but

For some reason my methodology for getting a fake back button to work in Flash isn’t working in any browser but Safari.

How it works—> I have like seven buttons that lead viewers to seperate areas in my flash movie. When they click on the one of these buttons it sends a message to java that changes the bottom frame to one of six blank html pages which have jave script that sets a new variable for the ‘history’. If someone hits a back button it should change the bottom frame which causes the javascript to send a message to my flash movie telling it to go to the appropriate part of my website.

Problem is My flash movie doesn’t seem to be communicating with Javascript in any browser but Safari. If anyone wants to see the script I used I can post it, but I get the feeeling this is part of some protective function built in to the other browsers. If any body has any ideas please send em.

THis is the website http://www.kachmanngallery.com

it is a work in progress. But right now the bottom frame should change colors when people go to different places., just so I can test wether its working. So if you go there and the bootom bar stays blue as you click on buttons that means the flash movie and the javascript aren’t connecting properly.