I wanna go home

work is hard work.
i’m co-oping (it’s like internship, for those who dont know)
at a company, and im on the web design side of things. i’ve been doing data entry for the past 2 days, im so tired of it. i think im gonna pass out. :blush:

shouldn’t you be working and not be on the forum? :-\ If all I’m doing is posting on the forum then I wouldn’t complain at all, that would be sucha cool job. :beam:

no one is suppose to know that. :bad:

but anyways, im leaving in 15 minutes anyway. im sick of data entry. it can kiss my @$$ :cool:

Try working in a place that has only Photoshop 5, some crackhead program like NetObjects Fusion (WTF?) and Dreamweaver 4! If I can’t have my Photoshop 7/Image Ready and the MX Suite - I’d rather do data entry!

Goodness Rengirl, you’re in designer hell. :!:

I KNOW what ya mean Renn…

We only have PS5.5 and Dreamweaver 4 at “work” too… :*(

and no flash…

While we’re *****ing about work…

Just a couple weeks ago, the IT guy told me not to install/uninstall anything and that if I wanted to change my desktop picture, I’d have to give him a call and he’d do it for me! :eye:

Hell? Absolutely!

*Originally posted by RenaissanceGirl *
**While we’re *****ing about work…

Just a couple weeks ago, the IT guy told me not to install/uninstall anything and that if I wanted to change my desktop picture, I’d have to give him a call and he’d do it for me! :eye:

Hell? Absolutely! **

WTF? That is retarded, I would raise hell if that happened to me at my work. :angry:


at least I’m with the select few at school who gets Admin rights on the com’s :slight_smile:

I can do whatever I please :slight_smile:

Thats just insane.

I guess I am lucky that I work for a relitivly large company.

If I want new software I whip out my procurement card and order it. If I need new hardware I do the same. Fill out my expense report and I am good to go.

I wish I was exaggerating guys! I got “the talk” with the IT guy about what I can’t do with my computer on my first day. I’m assuming these strict rules are in place because some of my associates are less computer savvy and doing simple tasks causes them to delete things such as the entire C drive. It’s a pretty big company - we’ve got about three buildings.

haha that is funny ren. haha.

<- is home now :evil:

yikes!!! I go to high school And all the computer have PS7, MX studio (educational edition) and 3d-studio max.