I want to learn OOPs(JAVA) as Fast as Possible

I spent last 6 months solving each and every exercises from the book by daneil liang comprehensive java. I’ve completed all these chapters:

  • selections
  • mathematical functions, characters and strings
  • loops
  • methods
  • single-dimensional array
  • multi-dimensional array

Now, my next goal after finishing programming to a certain extent was to learn data structures and algorithms.

what I am thinking is directly jumping into DS&A. However, OOPS knowledge is very essential. But I don’t want to spend another 3 months on OOPs. I want to get by it as fast as possible.

Can anyone guide me this? I want a java oops course that teaches all insights that are grabbed by continuous practice etc.

Do you know OOP from other programming languages? If so, a quick Java tutorial on OOP on YouTube may be all that you need.

No, I don’t.

Then try watching a more comprehensive video tutorial on YouTube on just Java OOP topics.

Alternatively, you may want to read some of my introductory tutorials on it that can help you to translate what you know today into a more OOP-centric world :slight_smile:

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