Hi guys, I’m a noob web designer with absolutely zero knowledge on flash. i would like to make a website with this kind of menu. i think it’s pretty cool
http://www.nytimes.com/indexes/2008/10/19/style/t/index.html#pageName=19turnpagefew questions
where can i get a source for drop down menus? the only place i know is flash den, but they charge money, and i couldn’t find similar one like this…
is it possible to just drop the flash file into my html website? here is my website
I just want the drop down menu on top of the white box. eventually my website will have more links and i love the simplicity of the drop down. i know how to make a drop down menu with css, but i just like that simple motion. it’s pretty to me.
- what would be the best place to start learning flash? i’ll be taking flash class in a local community college, but class won’t start till May. i would like to learn step by step. I bought a book, but it’s harder than i thought…
thanks in advance.