Ice Cream Logo?

I’ve got to do an ice cream logo over the weekend.

It’s not something I would usually do, it’s a sort of favour, it’s for an Ice Cream shop.

It’s so different to the sort of stuff I usually do, I feel a bit stumped :smiley:

Could anyone help me with some ideas? Perhaps some font ideas, and general look and colour scheme. Fairly commercial looking I guess :slight_smile:


Maybe an ice cream cone in the background with the name on top or around it.

Here’s some inspiration.

That’s beautiful. :lol:

Thanks a lot Erik, I think I’ll work from that, just polish it up a bit, add a few new elements :smiley:

you cant cuz it’s copyrittted!

Good link, thanks! :bounce:

your welcome!

Indeed, that was a good link, cheers Mr Ninder.

Here’s something I was working on a little while ago just for funsies. Stylistically it might give you some ideas.

What is the name of the Ice Cream shop for whom you’re designing the logo?

best logo ever.

Thanks! I’ve been meaning to move from programming to Graphic design. Maybe now’s the time. :lol: