Icky Website

Golgi - I endow you with the power to make the battle official. :slight_smile:

Set the rules up and let me know when its over so I can set up the poll.

sweeeet jubba. thanks so much! ***feeling special. :beam: let me type up some rules and also, how long do these things usually span for? i think a week sounds like a good time frame, but if that sounds unreasonable, please guide me to figuring a good schedual. thanks!!


haha, thatā€™s gonna be fun :slight_smile: yeah


OK, here are the official rules and stuff of the battle.

Goal: to make the most god-awful, eyesore of a website the internet has ever been a victim to

People Battling:



~you may use, flash, (x)html, or a combo of the two
no asp or other fancy stuff (for the main pages)
~you must have at least 4 working pages in (x)html or 4 distinct ā€˜pageā€™ areas of the flash site
~js and dhtml ARE allowed
~please follow standard codes of kirupan conduct, such as no obscenity, nudity, etc.
~sites will be disqualified that just take forever to load or are nonexistent. we all know how annoying that is, but the point of this exercise is to show terrible, puke inducing design, not to show disfunctionality.
~MOST IMPORTANTLY!!! have loads of fun!! this is the perfect opportunity to slaughter the rules of good design! and hopefully we can all learn a bit more of what NOT to do as well. :beam:

The battle starts tonight, on the night of the eclipse, and will run for one week. All entries must be completed and submitted by Friday, May 23rd, 6:00 Eastern time. Please post your site on this thread when it is complete, and then I will arrange them all into one post for easy veiwing, and then Jubba can do the poll.

good luck and have fun!!!

wooo hooooooooooooooooooo!!!

Aeh, i donā€™t wanna link sites, thatā€™s lame :slight_smile: haha

c!rYx - how would you suggest doing it?

Shall I post a sticky thread with all your rules etc in so you donā€™t lose them? :slight_smile:


yeah kit, thanks. that would be great. :beam:

I just thought we make like a ā€˜homeā€™ site with a menu but without other pages. See Iā€™m really lazy :slight_smile: ā€¦

hahah. ohh, i get what you meant. well. i dunno. you only need 3 other pages besides the main page. i dont think thats really bad. :slight_smile: i just think its fair that we all make at least 4 total so we get a good ā€œsiteyā€ feel going.

:slight_smile: Thatā€™s fine, I was just thinking that 1 really ugly site is enough :smiley: hrhr

If i still can, iā€™d also like to participate.

sure, dj, ill add you to the list. welcome aboard!!!


iā€™ll do my worst :wink:

Ah, I so have no time to do itā€¦
Maybe I can do something on fridayā€¦

Well as I understand today is the deadline so I had to throw something together.

I have to say it was harder than I though to create the worst possible website I could. I basically included all the things that drive me up a wallā€¦

That saidā€¦here is my icky website:
