I challenge anyone who is game to make the absolute worst, ugliest, mind retching website. I’m talking just plain painful folks. see two examples here one two
this will be so much fun! a nice break from the stress of quality design that we all aim for, and just a nice reverse project.
ok. hey guys. do we want to do this using no flash? or can we use flash? i vote for no flash, but maybe we shouldnt set that as a rule. what do you think?
hrm. maybe we should leave it open then. i was going to do non-flash. but now i am thinkign about flash too… oh the possibilities. i cant wait to get started.
hey i was coming home from the cafe this morning thinking about this battle, and i just started laughing in the street. two years ago i would drink and party for fun. now i wanna make crappy websites. interesting evolution…