Icky Website

I challenge anyone who is game to make the absolute worst, ugliest, mind retching website. :slight_smile: I’m talking just plain painful folks. see two examples here

this will be so much fun! a nice break from the stress of quality design that we all aim for, and just a nice reverse project.

brilliant idea, me’s in! :beam:

Haha I’m in :bad:

  • Soul :s:

I thought them 2 sites were really nice :slight_smile:

lunar :trout:

haha i was gonna make this a battle too… hahah

im in.

ok great. i think we have a good group. so when do we get started? does a mod take over now? lol.

I wanted to take part…

yay! good, im glad you came in here, i was wondering about you. :slight_smile:

yea, we have to get a mod to make it official and get all the rules and junk like that set up. :slight_smile:

ok. hey guys. do we want to do this using no flash? or can we use flash? i vote for no flash, but maybe we shouldnt set that as a rule. what do you think?

i think you should use flash if you want… but its not an asset. im not gonna use flash. :trout:

hrm. maybe we should leave it open then. i was going to do non-flash. but now i am thinkign about flash too… oh the possibilities. i cant wait to get started.

hey i was coming home from the cafe this morning thinking about this battle, and i just started laughing in the street. two years ago i would drink and party for fun. now i wanna make crappy websites. interesting evolution…

i’m game.

I think we should allow flash… i have some crazy flash idea :stuck_out_tongue:

ok, then it will be free, if you want to use it you can and if you don’t, well you dont. hehe :beam:

I could use Flash too, coz the most stuff I did with it until now looked really fancy anyway :slight_smile: haha

this is going to be the scariest battle ever

Can I get in on this?!

sure fester :slight_smile: