*Originally posted by sintax321 *
**I guess If i’m going to be in Brazil getting revenge on Guig0 I might as well start a coke cartel.
Now the question is do I start the cartel before or after revenge.
Ahhh revenge is so complicated…I’ll decide on the 15th when i land in Brazil.:bad: **
Let me clear up things for ya:
Here in Brasil we don´t have any coke cartels, that is in another coutry called Colombia.
Here, in Rio, we have Comandos, Red Comando, Friends-Frieds Comando and Third Comando.
They´re like big gangs in organized crime, that rules the favelas (sort of hills ocuppied by very poor people) and the traffic in the city.
Here in Brasil we don´t have any coke cartels, that is in another coutry called Colombia.
Here, in Rio, we have Comandos, Red Comando, Friends-Frieds Comando and Third Comando.
They´re like big gangs in organized crime, that rules the favelas (sort of hills ocuppied by very poor people) and the traffic in the city.
Got it?
No I don’t got it. Do you not live in the country of Brasil and when you say Rio do you mean one of the Rio states or the city of Rio De Janerio? Is Brasil and Brazil the same place, because i have seen both spellings? Does Brazil not share a boarder with Colombia? You actualy have me a little confused now. Either way is Colombia the only place you can start a cartel? I never heard of that rule before.
**1- **[SIZE=1]local spelling[/SIZE] Brasil = ** Brazil** [SIZE=1]international spelling[/SIZE]
**2- **Rio de Janeiro is the name of a state and the name of the capital city of that state too
**3- **Yes, Brazil share a boarder with Colombia, but is barely populated, and the brazilian culture and Colombian culture are very different, and so are the languages.
**4- **The name “Cartel”, when applied to crime organizations, is typical from Colombia.
*Originally posted by sintax321 *
**That does clear up a lot of info. The “z” and “s” spelling of Brasil had me really confused. Why the differance between local and international? **
Dunno :-\
Why do you call Italia, Italy? Why do I call France, França? Why do we call España, Spain(you) or Espanha(me)?