Check this out. you May have seen it but it is pretty cool.
Awesome! haven’t seen it! Diablo II scared me!
They have way too much free time on their hands, but thats awesome!! haha :beam:
Thats hiliarious. I love people that do that with flash, they have WAY too much time on they’re hands.
Good stuff. Just shows us what you can do with flash.
Hey Karboncopy Welcome to the forums!
Tell us more about yourslef!
very funny!
Yeah! Welcome Karbon!
perhaps you want to properly introduce yourself at this thread:Tell us About Yourself: (name, aspirations, interests, etc.)
Cheers :crazy:
I thought he could have done a better job off the EDIT DEMON EDIT head when it gets big. Oh well. The rest of it kicked @ss
EDIT happy now Guig0 C:-) EDIT
it´s a deamon.[SIZE=1](DIABLO=Devil in spanish):)[/SIZE]
you know what i ment. :hair:
I was just typing fast and didn’t think.
but I couldn´t loose the chance to poke you
Every one has to be a smart @ss. Just you wait revenge will be mine. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorow, but Jan 15 you are going down my friend.I:-)
you´re crazy:crazy:!
Crazy like a fox [SIZE=1]said like Homer Simpson[/SIZE] :crazy:
and I am cunning like you:P
HAHA. that is soo funny!!
*Originally posted by sintax321 *
**Every one has to be a smart @ss. Just you wait revenge will be mine. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorow, but Jan 15 you are going down my friend.I:-) **
whats happening on Jan 15??
is sin going into CoK?
Thats so cool!!! Maybe someone should do something similar with the Kirupa smileys :crazy:
lol i forgot to comment on it! well i like it! i think it is VERY funny. but when you think about it, the only reason they started fighting is cause that MSN threw his head at ICQ Lite…
is sin going into CoK?
I guess If i’m going to be in Brazil getting revenge on Guig0 I might as well start a coke cartel.
Now the question is do I start the cartel before or after revenge.
Ahhh revenge is so complicated…I’ll decide on the 15th when i land in Brazil.:bad: