After all the bugging and hair-pulling. I finally have my flash site up. I want to thank you guys that helped me with this.
Give me your thoughts. And sign my guestbook.
That is really professional. You have a flare for Graphics & Design.
Fantastic Job. Maybe you should submit it to FWA.
It looks good except for the fonts. Some of them are unreadable because they are so small. Also it seems like you used a bunch of different fonts, maybe you should put it down to one or two.
Other than that, it looks great.
Thank you for your comments and advice!
The Fonts have really been a headache. I did use a pixel font for most of it, but it is still a bit difficult to read.
…Maybe you should submit it to FWA.
What’s FWA?
Favourite Website
Its very impressive indeed, and I think you should submit it for one after a little more work. If you work on those button rollover, maybe some nicer transitions, it would be completed well. But wow, great work.
I love everything about it… EXCEPT for the trendy white flashy into (toward the bottom) and the rollovers. The rest of the site looks great, and that flashy white blinking seems really out of place, I would go with a more subtle effect.
I understand what you mean, APDesign.
Thank you so much for the advice. Now I know what I can work on to make it better.
I’ll have to think about sending it to FWA. The sites on there look a bit out of my league. But it’s something to reach for.
Thanks again.
*Originally posted by =VALOR= *
**That is really professional. You have a flare for Graphics & Design.
Fantastic Job. Maybe you should submit it to FWA.
=VALOR= **
Yes i like your style ! It actually reminds me of another amazing site this cdn flash/html designer (
He likes to do that same sort of style, which in my opinion, looks quite original compared to “the trendy” what we are used sort of flash sites & interfaces, its quite refreshing
Keep up the great work !
Thank you Snypa|2, I was striving for a more organic feel to it.