Ideas for a new site

hey guys, i dunno if this is off the topic, but i have just figured out and created a whole bunch of different interfaces and was wondering what i should make a site about, cause i am pretty excited about how they would look on a real site, please give me some feed bacl thanks.:beam:

-Happy Flashin’:cowboy:


I had to read twice to understand. What i do is jus pick a company and make there site. If you do a real good job try to sell it to them. Any company will do as long as you can get the info you need about them to fil lthe content.

I’m still confused…

If I were you, I’d make a site about say…

hmmmm… :+)

let’s see…

height = 750
width = 400

:smirk: :smirk: :smirk:

That should get you started…

And don’t thank me, no seriously… stop kissing my hand…

I’m just giving back to the community.

No No No…



with grey/dark blue background