Ideas for a Techy Logo?

logo4.jpg looks like a dude with a giant eye ball for a head…hmm…that reminds me, anyone seen eyezberg around?

so… the E-word is Eye… :slight_smile:


Eye Studios, I knew it. :stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by electrongeek *
**Eye Studios, I knew it. :stuck_out_tongue: **

:sigh: maybe…

I like the 3rd one without the swoosh over the top. I think that would be very catchy unique and you can get some good marketing concepts from it

now you can vote, there’s another thread with poll …

something like this???


i liked the third one the best/

in order of bestestness
1 5 3 4 2

eye salamander?

e-s = evil sneezer…just heard from a reliable source close to Eberth.

it is something related to eyes… remember…:!!! :slight_smile:

**** informant I payed him for nothing


i know eyes suck rotflmao
i like the first logo the best maybe if you put in the eye of logo 3 in the center of logo 1 it will look better :wink:

some new modifications of N°1


I liek those 2 but I a just not feeling them as logos since they are very complex. But they are very cool designs. I guess I am partial to simple logos. BUt I still like #3 without the swoosh over the top

so, what do you suggest as a simple logo???