IE Changing relative-positioned divs to absolute

I’m having a weird issue with a site I’m working on… My menu is a relatively positioned div, with a set height, width, display, position, and all that, so the IE “hasLayout” issue shouldn’t be a problem. Within that menu I also have an absolute-positioned div, which I have placed below the actual menu.

In IE (6 & 7), it’s displaying the menu div as absolute-positioned. When I use the developer toolbar to inspect it, it shows a <!> as a parent node of my menu div. That <!> node is shown to have all of the correct properties I want my menu div to have, but my menu div is, for some reason, absolute-positioned.

I can PM the source/URL if you want, but I can’t display it publicly.

Thanks :beer:

EDIT Solved. Turns out the WP theme I was using had some weird piece of js that was wrapping some of my divs with some other crap. Deleted it and it’s good.

I figured it out with the help of the fantastically awesome Firebug Lite, which you can use with any browser (since IE developer tools is pretty crappy).