…Reposted from AS2 Forum…Oops!
Found the above over on Suite 75… http://www.suite75.net/blog/dev/swf-and-internet-explorer.html#comments
Thought maybe it might be of some use.
**SWF and Internet Explorer
**[SIZE=1]By Gert-Jan van der Wel March 13th, 2007[/SIZE]
After some diggin’ I finally figured out why Internet Explorer didn’t display my SWF movie. The width and the height of my movie are related to the width and height of the Stage. It seems that in IE the Stage isn’t available in the first frame. Therefore the movie has to wait a frame before it can acces the Stage properties.
public function Application() {
addEventListener( Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame );
private function onEnterFrame( pEvent:Event ) : void {
removeEventListener( Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame );
setWidth( stage.stageWidth );
setHeight( stage.stageHeight );