I have a flash app I’m building that needs to know the stage width.
In firefox I ahve no problems, but in IE6 and 7 if the cache in not cleared the stage width turns to 0.
Here’s my action script code:
private var swfStage:Object;
private var stageWidth:Number;
private var stageHeight:Number;
public function Personalize() {
swfStage = stage;
swfStage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
swfStage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
stageWidth = swfStage.stageWidth;
stageHeight = swfStage.stageHeight;
debugTxt.text = swfWidth;
I’m embedding my swf with swfobject, been doing so for a while and never ran into this problem!!! It’s the weirdest thing. It just started to happen out of the blue as well.
In Firefox I can reload etc and everything is fine.
In Itnernet Explorer however, it breaks after loading it once. The first time the stage width is properly read, but if I browse to a different page (with the swf on that page as well) the stage width becomes 0.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.