Netscape - Iexplorer compatability

So here I am,
Working in dreamweaver… building my site… looks nice… feels good… In IE.

Then i switch to Netscape and the horrors begin… :!: :!: :!:

For no apperant reason al the tables are sckewed, alignment goes to hell… the whole site appears messed up in general. So i try and test it again in IE works fine… so I spend a while making it compatible for Netscape… which is a pain… I forget to check it on IE… bad mistake… so the whole thing again gets messed up… :scream:

Finaly, I make so its acceptal in both but its still looks diffrent on diffrent versions of netscape! :angry:

Is there a good forumla to follow to make it look good in both?
Or some general rules to keep in mind. Because alot of things look alot diffrent in Netscape! :run:

nope - it’s all trial and error…

If you use dreamweaver make sure you put IE as your first navigator and Netscape as your second (ctrl F12 or whatever)

and check all the times. Remember that iframes for example dont work in IE - tables are ruined in netscape…

Anyway - the last thing you can do is 1 page for netscape and one for IE, the user being redirected (dreamweaver has the jscripts readymade)…

cheers, mlk