So here I am,
Working in dreamweaver… building my site… looks nice… feels good… In IE.
Then i switch to Netscape and the horrors begin… :!: :!: :!:
For no apperant reason al the tables are sckewed, alignment goes to hell… the whole site appears messed up in general. So i try and test it again in IE works fine… so I spend a while making it compatible for Netscape… which is a pain… I forget to check it on IE… bad mistake… so the whole thing again gets messed up…
Finaly, I make so its acceptal in both but its still looks diffrent on diffrent versions of netscape!
Is there a good forumla to follow to make it look good in both?
Or some general rules to keep in mind. Because alot of things look alot diffrent in Netscape! :run: