IE7 May Be Coming Sooner Than You Think speculates that improvements could possibly include support for tabbed browsing, better security, more PNG and CSS compliance, and RSS integration”

Yaya! Despite the fact I dislike IE intensely and would never use it, this is great! :smiley: Perhaps it won’t be so long before we’ll actually be able to use CSS layouts fully and full alpha transparency.

Yay! While I don’t care about CSS or PNG support, it’ll be good to those who are interested. Even though my current IE w/SP2 works well, I hope IE7 features a different animated icon in the top-right corner of my browser :slight_smile:

Why does this sound exactly like the Safari 3 upgrades? RSS integration?

And once again - MS takes a steal from Apple :-/

Kirupa-There is a powertoy(TweakUI) that lets you change that icon to whatever you want.

Ai, I forgot about that :stuck_out_tongue:

Mike - RSS integration as part of IE has been on the books for a long time as part of Longhorn. Improved search is something that Longhorn has been focusing on for a while before the latest Apple release.

Kirupa, not using FireFox? I thought we got you hooked?

Yeah there are a few tweaks for it it hink. TweakUI is the one that i too remember from my windoze days :smiley:

LOL - never! I was about to, but then I discovered IE for WinXP SP2 :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT: I think you mistook FF with Gaim which I tried a week earlier?

Could be kirupa, i have yet to try GAIM though - i should but for the ammount that i use a PC :-/ not worth it :smiley:

[ot]I didn’t like GAIM simply because the font sizes were either too small or too large. I couldn’t get my Size 10 Tahoma to display without being a Size 8 or Size 12. So I’m back on AIM - which isn’t all that bad anyway.[/ot]

you can change the logo in the group policy editor on Win XP pro easily.

I was just reading on wired a day or 2 ago that microsoft has no plains to release any version 7.

This from the head of browser design, because they are intergrating the browser into Longhorn more than ever before.

So there will be no stand alone version released anymore…

Making it 5 years in between browser releases for Microsoft.

I hope they do release it stand alone, because from the looks of longhorn, I’m going to avoid it for as long as I can. I hate that side bar thing.

:party: IE7 is coming! :party:

I don’t care what you hippies say, I :love: IE

Same here :slight_smile:

Actually, you do know the Longhorn sidebar can be removed. Check out the other Longhorn thread where a member who uses the Longhorn alpha said that you can hide the sidebar!