Wonder if anyone can help me out here.
I have a button, which comprises of over and out, this is indeed a movie clip, so frames 1 to 7 are the over state and frames 7 and above are the out state.
my movie does include xml, so what I am after I almost have, just this one area, I am having difficulty with.
When the user is at the last node in the xml, I disable my next button and play the out state. This works perfectly.
However the previous button does not work correctly. The problem, is if the user is already on the first xml, then it plays my out state at the start :(.
Have a look at my little function below:-
function disabled() {
if (p<total-1) {
btnNext.enabled = true;
} else {
btnNext.enabled = false;
if (p>0) {
btnPrev.enabled = true;
} else {
btnPrev.enabled = false;
I need the gotoAndPlay(7) in there because if I dont when I move backwards and eventually hit the first node, the button is disabled but sticks in its up position.
So I need it to close back to its original state.
In simple terms If I am advancing back frames then I want it to play frame 7, and if already viewing node 0 I need it not to play frame 7.
Hope this makes sense, I am confusing myself just trying to explain it :).
Cheers for any help.