If i make a stick figure on flash mx how do i make only the arm move?

if i make a stick figure on flash mx how do i make only the arm move?!?!?!??! :-\

animate it frame by frame in a movie clip!!


shouldn’t this thread be deleted?

he’s asking the same thing here :sigh:

Use the drawing API…

createEmptyMovieClip("leftarm", 100);
lineStyle(3, 0x000000, 100);

Okay… That’ll create a small line… Of course you gotta supply the x1, x2, y1, y2 but those are simple coordinates…

Just use those coordinates… With a simple imcrementing variable… And you’ll be able to create an animation… Will comment more when I gte home tonight…

Peace Man

lol playa…man thats actionscript…he was simply asking how to animate a stick figure…actionscript is way too hard for a beginner =) hell i don’t know what it does …lemme try now

anyways, i have attached an fla i think will help you. its simple frame by frame movement of the arms and it looks as if the arms are moving when played. its a very basic drawing technique also used by cartoons.