I want to verify if the movie.swf, that was loaded by a empty mc target, is already loaded. Something like this:
if (target.mymovie.isLoaded) { do something; } else { target.mymovie.loadMovie(“movie.swf”); }
Of course, isLoaded was invented by me (I think).
if(_root.myMC.getBytesTotal() == _root.myMC.getBytesLoaded())
Use that line of code It sees if your movieclip is equal in loading destinations. Gets the total bytes of the file… And gte the total bytes loaded up so far by the file and compares them to each other.
playamarz is right, and there is one more way (the way you think) that is in MX you create a loder object. the same way you load XML.
Regards, ajoK [email protected]
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