Path to movie that loade into MC

Hi how do i code this.
I`m loading a movie into a MC (holder) and whant to check when this movie is fully loaded and the jump to the next frame. I have a variable in the to be loaded movie named bytes_loaded ( bytes_loaded = Math.round(this.getBytesLoaded()); )

All I came up with was this worhless piece of code!?

[AS]if (holder.bytes_loaded == 100) {
gotoAndPlay(“Scene 1”, 15);


Make a preloader at the begining of the other file.

I think. :smiley:

exactly make a preloader for the file that you are loading and it will all be fine

if (holder.getBytesLoaded()>1 && holder.getBytesLoaded()==holder.getBytesTotal()){
do something;
no need for code in the loaded clip.

THX for the tips
I had preloaders in the begining of each swf but want to get away from that so make the whole thing easier to work with. And eyezbergs code seems to work.