If statement / labels problem

with the:
How would I ad code to the above to go to a certain frame label and play whats on that timeline. for example I have a boxer on the main timeline (a MC) and inside that movie clip is another movie clip called fighter(instance name) which is key framed out with animation, with frame labels like punch (label) kick(label).

I’m having trouble writing the above code to make my boxer punch when the A(65) key is hit. can you help me with this code?

[COLOR=darkorange]in other words what goes in here to make my boxer punch from the other timeline[/COLOR] ;

P.S. where do I put the code? (in a frame on the main timeline or in the boxer MC or in the fighter Movie Clip?)

If you can help I thank you soooo very much! im pulling my hair out. lol

try to use CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER to test your movie and at DEBUG window check you mcs hierarchy because

if have an MC and inside it an mc named boxer where it has frames with labels like kick

you are going to need the right target like

mc.boxer.gotoAndPlay(“kick”) ;

but check the correct hierarchy first