Iframe help

Hi there I have recently discovered I frames and have done a simple tutorial, everything seem straight forward. I have created a layout and so forth for a site and was considering using an Iframe to display my content i.e when the user clicks on any button in the nav bar the only part of the page that chnages is the iframe…by having new text loaded into it.

First question is, is this the best way to achive this type of navigation in dreaweaver i’e shell based navigation…or is there a simpler way by simple changing the frame content or something like that?

Secound question is, I will be using I-frames at some pioint in this site to diplay full web pages within the frame when the user click on a link…how do I adjust the html for this tutorial so that the iframe changes when the link button is clicked? Html or css…any tutorials or advice would be great cheers… below is the link to the tut I have done.


cheers guys