Wow, haven’t posted in ages. I’d better make a post today
Today I was messing around in Illustrator. It’s kinda random and definitely not specatular, but I like it. So I’d better share 'm to the world
Wow, haven’t posted in ages. I’d better make a post today
Today I was messing around in Illustrator. It’s kinda random and definitely not specatular, but I like it. So I’d better share 'm to the world
funky…i like it!
Simple … and this is something I like a lot
Good colours. They’d make a nice desktop.
That would be hot as a biz card. nice stuff
Very nice.
In the first version it would be nice to se the upside down “guy” as a reflection (fading out)
looks really cool … yes i vote for reflections too :thumb:
That is the most random thing i have ever seen…
I :love: it! :D:thumb:
hmm. Reminds me of a mischevous character that would prance around setting things on fire, but I don’t remember what old school cartoon I saw it on.
Hehe thanks for the replies people!
In an early version I did had the reflected freak opaque. But somehow I didn’t continue with it. Perhaps you guys are right, it should be more subtle.
I like how the “Always Together” one forms a pattern and makes a rose in the center of it.
reminds me of those fire things in the brackenwood series:)
very nice, and you pulled of the gradient very nicely!
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