*Originally posted by xxviii *
**thats soo good man
are you tracing though?
nothing wrong with that, but I’d love to see some of your own creations, but tracing is still hard, that looks great, keep up the great work **
wellll in order to avoid revising, I decided to take 28’s advice after my second attempt at line art - so I actually drew something for once (gasp shock horror etc). It was only a really quick sketch to fill some time, but I quite liked the way it was going, so I thought I’d scan it and line art it! :] Here it is - I used quite a few bits of reference material, but I think it came out ok considering I sketched it! My drawing really isnt that great atm!
On another note … I never thought I’d ever buy an electronic drumset. I’m an acoustic addict, but this new Roland V-Club package is killer. Any other drummers out there?
lol dexa, 'fraid not. I aer teh guitarist! [does air guitar motions]
Thanks for the comments guys, I’m glad you like it - it was only a really quick sketch so I was a bit worried about putting it up for all to see/abuse ;] I guess you’ve inspired me to do some more… go you! I’m hoping to get a lot more sketching done over the summer holidays! LOTS!
Nasty. :-\ I hate it when that happens. I’ve got a whole pile of pencil sketches on my desk, just in case I corrupt anything. God help me if my scanner ever breaks…