look to page two where it says “”
Q. How is kuler integrated into Illustrator CS3?
A. New to Illustrator CS3, in International English and Universal English versions only, is a kuler panel, built entirely in Flash. This panel, which behaves just as any other panel in Illustrator, provides direct access to the kuler community from the Illustrator desktop. With the kuler panel, Illustrator CS3 users can browse the RSS feeds of the most popular, the highest rated, and the most recently created themes, and subscribe to custom feeds, such as a particular tag word or creator name. Any theme can be downloaded to the Illustrator CS3 Swatches panel with a single click and immediately be used in coloring Illustrator artwork. In addition, color groups of three to five swatches created in Illustrator CS3 can be uploaded to kuler as kuler themes through the kuler panel.
has any one seen this in IllCS3?:h: