Hi, guys…
I have been looking all over for a thread to my problem, I have found similar, but none has been able to help me. I’m trying to import a drawing from illustrator CS2 into flash 8, but my gradients and patterns does not come out. I have tried all file types, but they all mess up the drawing. In worst case scenario I’m able to reproduce the gradiant in flash, but the pattern can’t be done.
When I import the .ai directly from flash I’ve tried the rasterize everything at 300 dpi option. However, I get the following error message in the output panel:
*AFPL Ghostscript
Could not open the scratch file tempgs_/var/tmp/tmp.2.lKA7LJ.
**** Unable to open the initial device, quitting.
The import did not finish because an unknown error occurred
*Anyone know why? Or even better, how do I import illustrator work and preserve patterns /gradients to flash8 the best way?
I would really appreciate some help…