I'm not asked to install flassh MX plugin

Hi, I made a website in flash.
it loads a basic movie, and when a visiter clicks a button, it loads another movie in level 1.
The problem is that The basic movie is compatible with flash 5 (published as flash 6) but the other movies arent.
(flash 5 doesn’t seem to support the scrollbar that I can attacht to a dynamic textbox)

How do I make my site ask to install the flash mmx plugin if it isn’t installed, or if a previous version is installed.

I read somewhere that you can force a autoatic download of the plugin, but they didn’t mention how. (I know, people don’t like to be forced to download something, but if it’s the only way to make it work…)

Thanks in advance

you need to use some javascript to check out your visitors:

go to moock.org and grab the moock fpi–
this is a set of html/javascript files that check your visitors plugin/version and redirects them to the appropriate page–just follow the instructions, set the moock fpi index.html as your index page, and rename your index page as ‘main.html’ (or whatever).
even if you’re not comfy w. javascript, it’s pretty self-explanatory–all you have to do is change a couple of vars…
good luck!