the block of code below is from an online tutorial
var interval:Number = 5;
function someCodeToRun() {
trace(interval+" seconds have elapsed");
mySetInterval = setInterval(this, “someCodeToRun”, interval*1000);
I don’t understand how to make it work for Please Help…
i want to run this code:
new mx.transitions.Tween(_root.firstLoader.content.con tactLoader.content, “_alpha”, mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeOut, _root.firstLoader.content.contactLoader.content._a lpha, 0, 20)
the whole picture would be like this:
contact_btn.onPress = function(){
this loads the swf “contact” into a component Loader
after 5 seconds I would like to use the tween code from above to transition out the swf, or either just unload the swf.