Hi, I’m curious about the image copyright rules and regulations.
Does anyone have information about them? Are you aloud to use to use images under certain circumstances etc?
Hi, I’m curious about the image copyright rules and regulations.
Does anyone have information about them? Are you aloud to use to use images under certain circumstances etc?
Hey severed.
I know your new to the forums, so i will introduce to the most amazing tool here at kirupa… its called…
lol, just playing with you dude.
but seriously if you run a search on image copyright you will see there have been other threads on this topic, checked them out.
:: btw the search button is at the top of the forums, on the same line as your user cp buttons
hope this helps and welcome to the forums.
if you didn’t take the photo or create the image, and you don’t
have permission to use it in any capacity, you CANNOT use it.
That’s as simple as it can be. SEARCH is a great idea too. =)
There are some exceptions to the rule:
[]Some websites have “Freebie” clip-art, stock photos, etc… gerenerally, these are free to use for non-commercial purposes.
[]I was working on a web-site a few years back, which was sort of a gaming site. Being the upstanding and honest citizen I am, I sent an e-mail to Nintendo Corp. of America, asking what they allow people to use their images in. I was sent a reply back, with an attachment containing the rules and regulations of using their copywritten images, which basically stated that you could use images that they made for non-commerical fan-sites, or basically anything that didn’t involve me trying to sell the image to people, or blatenly try to promote my business… The e-mail itself said that the person sending the e-mail liked my site, and that it appeared to be okay with the images I was using. It never hurts to explain your purpose to the person who made the image, and see if they let you use it… some people are cool like that.
[*]Some images are public domain, and perfectly okay to use for your own purposes, some examples would be the Clip Art that comes with Microsoft Word, and a few other examples are out there.
well, that’s my whole point. in each of your "exceptions,"
permission was given. And there is no such thing as public
domain…that is a falicy and a wive’s tale of the internet. Ask any
copyright lawyer about it, they’ll tell you.
Somone owns the rights to everything created, and
unfortunately, you just can’t use it because you feel like it.
Microsoft probably has rules against using their clip art, but in
terms of artistry, it’s not very creative.
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