
Hey All,

I love this image and it is perfect for a site I am working on, is this image copyrighted?

Blastboy uses it on his site but his site is ripped from somewhere else (refer to random)

Can I use this or no?

if you photomanipulated it to the point where it looked a lot different from the original, then you could probably use it for a site. where did you find the image?

Blastboy’s web site. He’s a friend of mine and it will be changed a lot.

I am sure you can use it I think I saw this on some royalty free site. Or just photomnip it

*Originally posted by datapimp *
**Blastboy’s web site. He’s a friend of mine and it will be changed a lot. **

Sorry Datapimp its not from my site.
The image was taken from

I have never used this image before.

-Blast :tb:

but who says you cant take the idea of the picture an do it in PS; could be possible to make; a few nice bevels, texturing and the job is done =)

indeed. but i think it’s a stock image anyway. not difficult to
reproduce in a couple ways actually. :sigh:

So the images that are in 2advanced, cannot be used because they have been edit or the images you use in your site unflux. But the stock images can be used and taken from other sites because they have not been edit ? thats new :sigh:

you can get that stock image from a royalty free site. The key word being royalty free. If you pillage it from a site that is not royalty free. Then you you are asking for trouble. Like since unflux has a copyright and it is not royalty free you cannot use images from his site. But he also cannot claim a royalty free image as his own. Unless he has manipulated then he has what is called artist license. May not hold up in court if you steal up but it is morally wrong.

Seriously man there is a lil more to this business than crankng out artwork you need to learn the principals and laws surrounding I recommend some research.

Well at first I thought Blast stole it from somewhere else meaning it could’ve been roally free I wasn’t sure.

Then get your own stock images.

i’m not sure what you think I was trying to say, but i was actually
replying to mlkdesign’s post about creating an image in pshop
yourself. I wasn’t at all saying to take images from anyone’s
site…not even close. :whistle:

DDD has the best points here, and Morse sums it up nicely.

Seriously, take some time and learn about copyright, because
even if all the sites mentioned (2a, UNFLUX, etc) were using
plain, unaltered stock images, you can’t steal it. some kind of
effort has to be made to obtain even a royalty free license for
pics. Stock image and popular or not, you can’t just take it for
your own.

All the images on my site were either taken by myself, or licensed
from both photographers or stock images. Take your pick, but I’ve
covered myself legally from the start.