Hi everyone, I am very happy I found this http://www.kirupa.com/developer/flash8/interactive_image_pan.htm, its very close to what I hope to accomplish. What I am trying to accomplish is basicly a sliding menu that gives me control over the rollout and rollover animation of movie clips within it. ThumbnailerPro is a perfect example of what I am trying to do and I would use it but cant do to certain limitation is has so here I am working with this option too have a bit more raw control. Currently Kirupa’s file moves the panning clips position relative to the width of the document and where the mouse is currently on it. The problem is I want the scrolling of the clip to be related to a certain area of the stage width instead of the entire stage width. In this case its the area being masked. Is there a way to load my menu swf into another document with a larger stage width and keep it from adopting the new stage width as its srolling area? Or better yet link the clips scrolling position to a movie clips position/width instead of the stage width? Hopefully that is clear enough, I have also uploaded my files so you have a visual of what I am looking to accomplish. Thanks for your help in advance.