Interactive Panning - HELP PLEASE!

hello pepps!.. i really need your help in this, my client is getting really anxious about it and im loosing my mind!

im performing a interative view module for an appartment and im using the tutorial : … the thing is that this intractive panning swf is being loaded into a main swf, but for the panning movement is using the as Stage.width the main swf size so its not working properly at all … IS THERE A WAY I CAN MAKE THE PANNING MOVEMENT RELATIVE TO THE SPECIFIC SWF???


-html holding main swf file
- main swf (hmita-u306.swf) loads in a container mc [after clicking in the menu] :
- hallway-360.swf
- kitchen-360.swf
- mainbedroom-360.swf
- …

also you can take a look in here :

source file example : & swf holder : [URL=“”]

the code im using in this hallway-360.swf, kitchen-360.swf, mainbedroom-360.swf,…

this.onMouseMove = function() {
    constrainedMove(bg_mc, 8, 8);
function constrainedMove(target:MovieClip, speed:Number, dir:Number) {
    var mousePercent:Number = _xmouse/Stage.width;
    var mSpeed:Number;
    if (dir == 1) {
        mSpeed = 1-mousePercent;
    } else {
        mSpeed = mousePercent;
    target.destX = Math.round(-((target._width-Stage.width)*mSpeed));
    target.onEnterFrame = function() {
        if (target._x == target.destX) {
            delete target.onEnterFrame;
        } else if (target._x>target.destX) {
            target._x -= Math.ceil((target._x-target.destX)*(speed/100));
        } else if (target._x<target.destX) {
            target._x += Math.ceil((target.destX-target._x)*(speed/100));

thank you very much people!!!